Namespace CSF.Screenplay.Actors
- ActorEventArgs
A model for event arguments which relate to an Actor.
- GainAbilityEventArgs
A model for event arguments which relate to an actor gaining a new ability.
- PerformableAssetEventArgs
Event arguments which represent the revealing of a file asset which relates to a performable.
- PerformableEventArgs
A model for event arguments which relate to an actor's use of a performable.
- PerformableFailureEventArgs
A specialisation of PerformableEventArgs which describe the situation where an exception halted the execution of the performable item.
- PerformableResultEventArgs
A specialisation of PerformableEventArgs which describe a scenario in which the performable completed and has returned a result value.
- Stage
The default implementation of IStage which provides a context for which actor is currently active.
- ICanPerformGiven
An actor which is able to perform in the Given phase of a IPerformance.
- ICanPerformThen
An actor which is able to perform in the Then phase of a IPerformance.
- ICanPerformWhen
An actor which is able to perform in the When phase of a IPerformance.
- IHasPerformableEvents
An actor which may emit events as they participate in a IPerformance
- PerformancePhase
Enumerates the phases of a performance