Namespace CSF.Screenplay.Performables
- PerformableException
Thrown when a Performable fails with an unexpected exception.
- ReadTheStopwatch
An action which reads the current value of the stopwatch.
- ResetTheStopwatch
An action which resets the stopwatch.
- StartTheStopwatch
An action which starts the stopwatch.
- StopTheStopwatch
An action which stops the stopwatch.
- StopwatchBuilder
A builder for actions relating to the UseAStopwatch ability.
- TimeSpanBuilder
Static helper class for creating instances of TimeSpanBuilder<TOtherBuilder>.
- TimeSpanBuilder<TOtherBuilder>
A supplementary builder type which enables the collection of TimeSpan instances.
- IGetsPerformable
An object which can get an IPerformable instance, such as a performable builder.
- IGetsPerformableWithResult
An object which can get a non-generic IPerformableWithResult instance, such as a performable builder.
- IGetsPerformableWithResult<TResult>
An object which can get an IPerformableWithResult<TResult> instance, such as a performable builder.
- IProvidesTimeSpan
A type which may provide a TimeSpan.