Namespace CSF.Screenplay.Performances
- IdentifierAndName
A model which indicates a unique identifier and a corresponding human-readable name.
- PerformanceEventArgs
A model for event arguments which relate to a scope of a IPerformance.
- PerformanceEventBus
Implementation of an event bus for performance-related events.
- PerformanceFactory
A factory service for instances of Performance
- PerformanceFinishedEventArgs
A model for event arguments which relate to a finishing of a IPerformance.
- PerformanceScopeEventArgs
A model for event arguments which relate to a scope of a IPerformance.
- IBeginsAndEndsPerformance
An object which controls the beginning and ending of a performance
- ICreatesPerformance
An object which creates instances of IPerformance; a factory service.
- IHasPerformanceEvents
An object which has events which are significant to the progress of a Screenplay.
- IRelaysPerformanceEvents
An object which can relay events that relate to a IPerformance
- PerformanceState
Enumerates the states of an IPerformance.