Namespace CSF.Screenplay.ReportModel
- ActorCreatedReport
An implementation of ReportableModelBase which represents the addition/creation of a new actor in a performance.
- ActorGainedAbilityReport
An implementation of ReportableModelBase which occurs when an Actor gains a new ability.
- ActorSpotlitReport
An implementation of ReportableModelBase which occurs when an Actor is put into the spotlight.
- IdentifierAndNameModel
Model represents an IdentifierAndName within a Screenplay report.
- PerformableAsset
Model represents a single asset which was recorded from a performable.
- PerformableReport
An implementation of ReportableModelBase which represents the execution of a performable item.
- PerformanceReport
Model represents an IPerformance within a Screenplay report.
- ReportMetadata
Model represents the metadata about a Screenplay report.
- ReportableModelBase
Model represents anything which may be reported-upon within an IPerformance.
- ScreenplayReport
Represents a complete Screenplay report.
- SpotlightTurnedOffReport
An implementation of ReportableModelBase which occurs when the spotlight is turned off.