Namespace CSF.Screenplay.Reporting
- FormattableFormatter
Implementation of IValueFormatter which formats objects that implement IFormattableValue.
- HumanizerFormatter
A formatter which makes use of the Humanizer: library to format a limited number of value types.
- JsonScreenplayReportReader
Implementation of IDeserializesReport that deserializes a Screenplay report from a JSON stream.
- JsonScreenplayReporter
An object which subscribes/listens to the events of IHasPerformanceEvents and which produces a JSON-formatted report from them.
- NameAndValue
A simple model for a value that is to be included in a formatted ReportFragment, which has an associated name.
- NameFormatter
Implementation of IValueFormatter which formats objects that implement IHasName.
- NoOpReporter
A no-op implementation of IReporter which does nothing.
- PerformanceReportBuilder
Builder for an instance of PerformanceReport.
- ReportFormat
Model used for creating a ReportFragment, which includes the original report fragment template string, a reworked template string suitable for use with Format(string, params object[]) and the placeholder values to be inserted into that format.
- ReportFormatCreator
Default implementation of IGetsReportFormat.
- ScreenplayReportBuilder
Builder type accumulates PerformanceReportBuilder as performances occur within the Screenplay.
- ToStringFormatter
Implementation of IValueFormatter which formats any object by using its default ToString() method, or returns the string
if the value is null.
- ValueFormatterExtensions
Extension methods for IGetsValueFormatter.
- ValueFormatterProvider
Implementation of IGetsValueFormatter which uses dependency injection services.
- ValueFormatterRegistry
Default implementation of IFormatterRegistry which also serves as an object factory, by virtue of a service provider.
- WritePermissionTester
Helper class to determine whether or not we have write permission to a specified file path.
- IDeserializesReport
An object which deserializes a Screenplay report from a stream.
- IFormattableValue
An object which has its own functionality for generating a human-readable representation of itself for a Screenplay report.
- IFormatterRegistry
A registry of the concrete types of IValueFormatter which are available for use by the Screenplay reporting functionality.
- IGetsReportFormat
An object which can get a ReportFormat from a report format template and the associated values.
- IGetsValueFormatter
An object which can select the most appropriate implementation of IValueFormatter from a IFormatterRegistry.
- IReporter
Defines a reporter that subscribes to and processes events from a Screenplay event notifier.
- ITestsPathForWritePermissions
An object which may test a file system path for writability.
- IValueFormatter
An object which can format a value which appears within a Screenplay report.