Namespace CSF.Screenplay
- Actor
A representation of an autonomous, or at least seemingly-autonomous, person or system which directs the events of a IPerformance.
- ActorExtensions
Extension methods for actor types
- CastExtensions
Extension methods for ICast.
- Performance
Primary implementation type of IPerformance.
- PerformanceStarter
Helper class for beginning the functionality of a Screenplay IPerformance from your own logic, using a fluent interface
- ReportFragment
A model for a fragment of a report upon a IPerformance.
- ReportFragmentFormatter
Default implementation of IFormatsReportFragment.
- ScopeAndPerformance
A model which contains both an IPerformance and a dependency injection IServiceScope.
- Screenplay
An object which represents a complete execution of Screenplay logic, which should include one or more Performance instances.
- ScreenplayAssemblyAttribute
An attribute used to mark an assembly which contains Screenplay-based tests.
- ScreenplayAttribute
Applied to a test method, indicates that decorated test is a Screenplay test.
- ScreenplayBinding
SpecFlow binding which uses hooks to coordinate the relevant Screenplay & IPerformance event invokers.
- ScreenplayExtensions
Extension methods for the Screenplay type.
- ScreenplayLocator
A small static service locator of sorts, dedicated to getting an appropriate instance of Screenplay for a specified test object.
- ScreenplayOptions
Options model which permits the customization/configuration of Screenplay in DI.
- ScreenplayPlugin
The Screenplay plugin for SpecFlow.
- ScreenplayServiceCollectionExtensions
Extension methods for IServiceCollection relating to Screenplay.
- ScreenplaySteps
A subclass of
provided for convenience of SpecFlow 3.x users to avoid naming conflicts.
- ServiceCollectionAdapter
Adapter class which allows a SpecFlow/BoDi
to be used as an IServiceCollection.
- ServiceProviderAdapter
Adapter class which allows a SpecFlow/BoDi
to be used as an IServiceProvider.
- StageExtensions
Extension methods for IStage.
- ICanPerform
An actor which may perform in the Screenplay.
- ICanReport
A type which can provide a human-readable report fragment when it is used in a IPerformance.
- ICast
A combined registry and factory for Actor instances, useful when coordinating multiple actors across a IPerformance
- IFormatsReportFragment
A service which produces formatted report fragments from a template and a collection of parameter values.
- IGetsScreenplay
An object which can fully configure and get a Screenplay instance.
- IHasAbilities
An object which has & is able to gain abilities.
- IHasName
A part of a Screenplay performance which has a human-readable name.
- IHasPerformanceIdentity
An object which provides a value which uniquely identifies the currently-executing IPerformance.
- IHasServiceProvider
An object which has an associated IServiceProvider, which resolves services from dependency injection.
- IHostsPerformance
An object which encapsulates the logic of an IPerformance in a standalone Screenplay.
- IPerformable
An object which represents something that a performer (typically an actor) may perform.
- IPerformableWithResult
An object which represents something that a performer (typically an actor) may perform and which returns a result when it completes.
- IPerformableWithResult<TResult>
An object which represents something that a performer (typically an actor) may perform and which returns a strongly-typed result when it completes.
- IPerformance
A performance represents a self-contained scope of performables which typically results in overall success or failure.
- IPersona
A persona is a factory for a commonly-used actor