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Screenplay reports

As a Screenplay executes, the framework produces and saves a JSON-format report file, recording each Performance. This file is a machine-readable record of every Actor and every Performable which was included in the performances. It records the results from the performables (where applicable) as well as the details of errors, where they occur.

Where the report JSON file is saved

Over the course of a Screenplay, the JSON file will be written and saved at a path defined by the ScreenplayOptions.ReportPath option. As the documentation for that option notes, the default if it has not been set is to write the report to a file in the current working directory. The default filename includes a representation of the current timestamp, so each report is likely to have a unique filename. This path may be altered by specifying a different set of options to the AddScreenplay service collection extension method.

Converting JSON to a human-readable report

JSON is a very good machine-readable format for reports, but it's not a great choice for reading by humans. CSF.Screenplay offers a utility to convert a JSON-format report into a human-readable single-page HTML file, viewable in any modern web browser. This tool is the CSF.Screenplay.JsonToHtmlReport command-line utility.

The command-line options to this utility are documented in the class ReportConverterOptions. They should be passed using the dobule-dash syntax, for example CSF.Screenplay.JsonToHtmlReport.exe --ReportPath c:\path\subfolder\screenplay-report.json.