Table of Contents

Top-down look at a screenplay

The diagram below shows a top-down look at a Screenplay and how it relates to Performances, Actors and Performables. The Screenplay might itself be controlled by a Test Integration, if Screenplay is being used for automated tests.

The lifetime shown, for the Performance also indicates the lifetime of the dependency injection scope.

    accDescr {
        A single instance of Screenplay runs each Performance.
        Each Performance contains scripts for one or more Actors.
        Within the Performance, the Actor(s) perform one or more Performables.
        The lifetime of a single performance is shown, to illustrate the DI lifetime scope.
    Screenplay->>Performance: Runs each
    actor A as Actor
    activate Performance
    Performance->>A: Contains scripts for<br>one or more
    A->>Performable: Performs one<br>or more
    Performable-->>A: Complete
    A-->>Performance: Complete
    Performance-->>Screenplay: Complete
    deactivate Performance