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Do not resolve performables from DI

Dependency Injection using DI frameworks is usually a recommended best practice in modern software. Screenplay recommends the resolution of many services from DI, including Personas, the Cast, Stage and Abilities.

It is not a good idea to resolve Performable object instances from DI, though. Because performables should be immutable but stateful, this requires all of their state to be set at the time of their construction, such as via constructor parameters or properties with init setters. Unfortunately, this state represents the configuration of how the performable will be used, so it will be entirely down to the particular usage of the performable. This would make the use of DI quite cumbersome, as many arbitrary parameter values must be passed to the resolution.

What's more, performables should not depend upon anything which is resolved from DI. At most, Actions and Questions may depend upon an Actor's Abilities but they should access these from the first parameter of the PerformAsAsync method; the ICanPerform parameter (the actor).

Instead, it is far better to use the builder pattern to create instances of performables.