Table of Contents


Following is a glossary of Screenplay terminology; each term is a link to its own documentation. Many of these terms are implemented directly as .NET types in the Screenplay architecture. Where applicable, the glossary item links directly to the relevant type within the API documentation.

Term Summary
Screenplay A complete execution of the Screenplay software
Performance A single end-to-end script of performables
Performable A Screenplay verb; something that an actor can do
Action A kind of peformable; the lowest-level interaction that changes the state of the application
Question A kind of peformable; the lowest-level interrogation that reads application state
Task A composition of actions, questions and/or other tasks to create higher-level performables
Actor Typically a human user of the application, directs the use of performables
Ability Something that an actor is able to do or has; provides the dependencies for actions/questions
Persona A factory or template for consistently creating reusable, well-known actors
Cast A factory & registry for actors which facilitates managing multiple actors in a performance
Stage Provides situational context; a concept of 'the currently active actor'
Spotlight The currently active actor, facilitated by the stage
Report An output which details every performance/scenario and the outcomes of theie performables
Scenario Typically similar to a performance, this is a single test within a testing framework
Feature A logical group of related scenarios, this is a test class or test fixture in some testing frameworks
Integration A consumer of the Screenplay framework, such as a testing framework